Lady Jenna

As Featured in CRUELLA Volume 1

Lady Jenna

She is a vision of ethereal beauty, a woman who exudes elegance and untouchable grace. Her eyes, cold and calculating, are as striking as ice on a winter morning, framed by perfect features that conceal the darkness within. Her long, blonde hair cascades down her back like a shroud, and her skin is flawless—porcelain, almost too perfect, as though untouched by the ravages of time or human emotion.

Born into unimaginable wealth, she commands a fortune that could buy entire nations, and with it, the power to control the world. Her estate is a palace of luxury, an opulent fortress where every inch of gold is polished to a gleam and every servant trembles in her presence. No man has ever dared to challenge her, for to her, they are nothing more than pawns—mere playthings she uses and discards without a second thought. She toys with their emotions, bending them to her will, before crushing their spirits when they are no longer of use. Their humiliation and suffering bring her pleasure; she revels in their desperation and hopelessness.

To her, women are no better. They occupy a lower tier in her world of hierarchy, where none are allowed to shine brighter than she. They exist to serve her whims, to compete for her favor, only to be reminded of their worthlessness through subtle cruelty and disdain.

Her reign is absolute. With the power of life and death resting in her delicate, manicured hands, she orchestrates her world like a cruel puppet master. The slightest failure, a misstep in etiquette, or even a word spoken out of turn, can result in a swift and brutal punishment. She delights in ordering executions for trivial reasons—sometimes simply to indulge her sadistic desires. The sight of another’s suffering is her entertainment, a spectacle that feeds her dark, twisted soul.

Her cruelty knows no bounds. She is a queen of torment, a goddess of sadism. Those who serve her do so out of fear, knowing that to displease her means death or worse. She enjoys the game of power, watching those beneath her squirm and plead for mercy she will never grant. She controls the world, but her world is one of terror, where no one dares to defy her because her wrath is boundless, her authority unquestioned.

Despite her beauty, wealth, and power, there is no warmth or compassion within her. She has no love, no empathy, only a cold and unfeeling void. She is the epitome of cruelty, a dark queen who rules with an iron fist and a heart of stone. Every breath she takes is a reminder to those around her that their lives are hers to play with—or to extinguish—at a whim.