Mistress Leia

Feature From 'GODDESS' Volume 1

Mistress Leia

She takes a slow drag from her cigarette, the smoke curling around her face as she glances down at the insect with a mix of indifference and amusement. With one hand resting on her hip, she leans in slightly, her thigh-high boots catching the light as she speaks in a low, confident voice.

“Look at you, crawling around down there like you own the place,” she says with a smirk, flicking some ash to the side. “But let me remind you, you’re just an insect. Barely even noticed. Stay in your lane, little bug—you’re not worth the trouble of lifting a boot.”

She blows out a thin stream of smoke, eyes narrowing as the insect continues its aimless path. “Keep crawling. It’s about the only thing you’re good at.”