Cruel Riders

Feature From 'GODDESS' Volume 1

Cruel Riders

These images are quick scans from my publication Goddess Volume 1. The quality isn’t brilliant, but I just don’t have the time to go through my film archives to find the original transparencies! I suppose if I ever needed to reproduce these in greater quality I would have to find them 🙂

The two women sit tall on their horses, the leather of their riding outfits gleaming in the sunlight, their eyes sharp with a predatory glint. Their lips curl into cruel smiles as they look down at the man kneeling before them, powerless and trembling. His eyes plead for mercy, but there is none to be found in the cold, amused expressions of the women.

One of them, with a whip coiled in her hand, flicks it lazily against the side of her horse. “Pathetic, isn’t he?” she says, her voice dripping with disdain. Her companion, the dark-haired one, chuckles softly, her eyes narrowing with delight at the sight of his fear. “He should know his place by now,” she replies, her voice smooth and dangerous. “But I suppose some men only learn the hard way.”

Without a second thought, the first woman nudges her horse forward, her smile widening as the man’s eyes grow wide with horror. The massive hooves move closer, the ground trembling beneath the weight of the animal. She delights in his helplessness, feeling a thrill run through her as she watches him flinch, knowing there’s no escape.

The second woman follows suit, her horse snorting impatiently as she pulls the reins slightly, teasing the moment, savoring the anticipation. “Beg,” she commands, her voice a silky whisper. But when the man stammers for mercy, they only laugh.

The horses surge forward, trampling the man beneath them, their powerful hooves crushing his body with merciless force. The women’s laughter rings out, bright and cruel, as they ride over him again and again, feeling the brutal satisfaction in every impact. Their eyes sparkle with a sadistic joy, relishing the power they hold, the complete domination over a life so easily crushed beneath them.

“Such a waste,” one of them says, her voice mockingly sweet, as she pulls her horse back, looking down at the broken figure beneath her. “But at least he served some purpose today.” Her companion smirks, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “Indeed. Nothing more satisfying than a little entertainment.”

They ride away, leaving behind nothing but the battered remains and the echo of their mocking laughter. For them, the thrill of cruelty is intoxicating, a reminder of their absolute superiority, and the day’s little diversion has left them both utterly delighted.