Ladies Tanya & Riannon

Lady Tanya, a vision of regal, untouchable beauty with an air of refined cruelty. Her face is sharp, sculpted as if by the hands of a master, with high cheekbones and piercing amber eyes that gleam with ambition. Her golden hair falls in waves, the color of wealth itself, and she dresses only in the finest fabrics—always wrapped in a cloak of luxury and cold, calculated elegance.

Tanya was born into power, but it was never enough. Her wealth, vast as it is, pales compared to the woman she wishes to dethrone. In her heart, she harbors a burning desire for complete control, a hunger to surpass the queen of cruelty and establish herself as the ultimate ruler. She is manipulative, always pulling the strings behind the scenes, orchestrating alliances and betrayals with ease. Her smile is a weapon, disarming and deceptively sweet, but beneath that smile lies a mind that is always calculating, always plotting. She thrives on secrets, knowing the weaknesses of her enemies, storing every betrayal like a coin in her vault.

Cruelty is second nature to her. She uses people like pawns, reveling in their suffering as she climbs higher in her quest for power. Unlike the queen, as Jenna likes to be known, Tanya does not rely on brute force or random executions. She enjoys a slower, more torturous game—breaking down her victims piece by piece, making them doubt themselves, turning friends into enemies, and allies into foes. She sows chaos wherever she treads, her words as sharp as the daggers she often conceals. Men fall at her feet, bewitched by her charm, unaware they are merely tools in her grand design. Women are nothing more than competitors to be crushed or puppets to be used as necessary. She is the spider at the center of a web of deceit, and her eyes are fixed on the throne.

Featured in Cruella Volume 1

Lady Tanya & Lady Reannon

Lady Reannon, a mysterious figure whose allure lies in her deadly beauty and enigmatic presence. She grew up in the shadows, learning to manipulate from the fringes of power. She is a master of whispers, an expert in poison—both literal and figurative. She thrives in the underbelly of society, where deals are struck in darkness and betrayals are made in silence. Unlike Tanya’s ostentatious displays of wealth, Reannon’s power lies in her ability to move unseen, to corrupt from within. She is the snake in the garden, her venom spreading through unseen channels until her enemies crumble before her.

Her cruelty, like Tanya’s, is calculated, but Riannon delights in the psychological, in the unseen suffering of those who think they are safe. She destroys lives not through public execution, but through ruin—turning trusted allies into traitors, destroying reputations with a whisper, leaving her enemies to face their destruction alone, never knowing the hand behind their fall. Reannon plays a long game, building a network of spies, assassins, and traitors, all while maintaining the façade of a devoted ally to the current ruler. She has no loyalty, no love, only ambition, and her ultimate goal is to rip the throne from the queen’s cold hands, leaving her to rot in obscurity.

Together, Tanya and Reannon form a dangerous alliance – two vipers working in the shadows, each feeding off the other’s ambition. Though they both seek to overthrow the queen, they are not friends, merely co-conspirators, each planning to betray the other when the time is right. Their hatred for the current ruler unites them, but once the queen falls, they will inevitably turn on one another, each vying for the ultimate prize: total dominion over the world.

Their plots are already in motion, and with every passing day, the throne of the most powerful lady grows just a little more precarious.